Saturday, 8 May 2010

Back in the saddle (again!)...

Up North's been pure bleak as of late and after finishing a month of field work yesterday I decided to look a bit further afield for some waves today. (Shot from westbaysurfboards)
A dad and a dog. Stopped in at the parentals en route for a bit of brekkie
94 miles gone and the onshores have turned to offshores but still no swell...
Journeyed on round the corner to my intended final destination to find people and potential
After not really having a session since easter this was all the convincing I needed to run back to the car and pull on my suit
Had a half decent first session and joined the cliffside peanut gallery whilst enjoying a late lunch...
The tide dropped, the wind began to swing slightly more offshore and so I headed out for another couple of hours. Was joined by this guy on the woody who was catching anything moving and ripping.
One going critical one going straight...
Despite the crowds plenty still went unridden.
Empty Picture Perfect petit right
Ridden Right...
I know this waves a left but for a while it was working pretty well as a right too. As the night went on though the lefts definately dominanted. Unknown going backside.
Pulled back view
Here's hoping its not too long till I'm back in the water...

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